Monday 8 November 2010


Three terrorists, Max, Merv and Moon Beam collectively known as Jamhad begin a normal day wearing a jacket made of explosives. A television reporter warns the public of a possible terrorist attack on a food chain known as Finger Lickin’ Chicken. The channel play a terrorism video of the three terrorists which can only be described by the reporter as ‘stupid, amateur and hilarious’.
A squabble breaks out in the household between Merv and Max. Max, a organised ex-animal liberator has trouble getting Merv, a stupid school drop-out, to understand the complexity and seriousness of their mission. Moon Beam, a delusional hippy sides with Merv.
Although Max has warned the others about talking about the mission, the other two loudly converse about it in the back of taxi. Luckily for them, the taxi driver is too stupid to notice the conversation in the back.
When they get out, they all split to independently target a different FLC in the city. Merv arrives first and after a motivational shout of ‘JAMHAD’ down the phone to Max he sets off on his mission, only to be persuaded by a Chicken Deal and sets off to eat in the diner.
Moon Beam arrives second, and again after a motivational shout with Max over the phone she is distracted by the clouds and their unusual shapes and forgets entirely about her mission and lays on the grass.
Max boldly barges into his restaurants kitchen and detonates only to find a puff of smoke leave the jacket.

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